When using a Beam Style wrench to tighten fasteners, make sure you look at the pointer straight on with the scale, otherwise reading from an angle may make it appear to read higher or lower than the setting required.
Types of Wrenches
Beam Style
Click adjustable Torque Wrenches
Dial Gauge and Digital Electronic Torque Wrenches
These are typically the most accurate, generally with +/-2% accuracy, and have easy to read gauges.
As these are precision tools, they are not only the most expensive, but should also be handled very carefully. Like other torque wrenches, they still need to be kept within calibration and also have to be checked regularly.
All electronic Torque wrenches require batteries. TWCS recommends the practice of removing the batteries from the wrench when it is not in use. Old batteries can leak and damage your wrench components.
The accuracy on your wrench should always be within +/-4%. Your wrench should be accurately calibrated from the factory when bought new, but this is not always the case either, I have come across quite a few that are not within calibration after being purchased. Always check you have been provided with a certificate and that the seller can guarantee the readings are accurate before purchasing a new wrench.